Lead Occupational Therapist
Kristina Berry
Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants are part of the education team within a school district. In the schools, occupational therapists use their expertise to assist students to be prepared for and perform important learning and school related activities and to fulfill their role as students.
Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants work with a variety of individuals to address student needs. Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants work with students to improve their performance in a variety of learning environments (e.g., playgrounds, classrooms, lunchrooms, bathrooms) parents to help them support their childrens learning and participation in school educators and other school support staff to plan and develop activities and environments that include all students paraeducators to support child success and promote safety within the school environment (e.g., physical assistance needs) administrators to provide training for students, staff, and parents, as well as to recommend equipment for schools and ways to modify existing buildings and curriculum to allow access for all.
Occupational therapy services for students with special needs are determined through the IEP process. School-based occupational therapy is available for students who are eligible for special education services. Occupational therapists complete assessments and work with other members of the school-based team to help determine what is needed for a student to receive a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. They collaborate with other members of the education team to identify a students annual goals and determine the services, supports, modifications, and accommodations that are required for the student to achieve these goals. When the IEP team determines that occupational therapy is needed for a student in order to meet his or her annual goals, then occupational therapy should be included in the students IEP.
(From www.aota.org, check out this website for more information about occupational therapy)